
Type Year of manufacture KW/HP Displacement Key number

So suchen Sie mit Schlüsselnummern:

In unsere Fahrzeugsuche geben Sie bitte die Schlüsselnummern des gesuchten Fahrzeugs ein.
In dem Feld HSN (zu 2 / 2.1) 4 Stellen und in dem Feld TSN (zu 3 / 2.2) die ersten 3 Stellen.
Auf folgendem Bild mit 1 und 2 gekennzeichnet:

Beispiel "alter" Fahrzeugschein:

HSN (Zu 2 / 2.1): 0600 TSN (Zu 3 / 2.2): 911
Alter Fahrzeugschein

Beispiel "neuer" Fahrzeugschein:

HSN (Zu 2 / 2.1): 0588 TSN (Zu 3 / 2.2): ACV
Neuer Fahrzeugschein

Vehicle selection is processed

ecanis eCommerce excellence

canis lupus GmbH is an e-commerce specialist in the independent aftermarket (IAM).

Trading under the ecanis brand, we sell automotive spare parts and premium tools in our own name and for our own account. We use national and international marketplaces for our manufacturers. We also list the product portfolios in our own web shop.

Wide Awake for You!

In addition to our core competences in portfolio and sales channel management as well as process automation, data handling and logistics, we are especially enthusiastic about our customers. Helping our customers is the great shared passion and entrepreneurial motivation of the ecanis team. We are really proud of the customer-orientation of our employees, which goes far beyond the standard.

The products we sell are consistently of outstanding premium quality. Our service, our delivery processes, problem solutions and IT systems are too. We are wide awake in eCommerce!

We manage transactions on a huge scale -
customer-orientated and data-driven.

Quality – that’s for us product quality, process quality, offer quality, service quality and price quality.

For five years now, we have been a reliable partner to industry, well-known manufacturers and suppliers in the implementation of smart eCommerce processes and the qualified listing and visualisation of product portfolios on a wide range of online sales channels.

On the strength of well-structured onboarding projects and against the background of an excellent service and performance promise as well as a sustainable corporate orientation, the many, many online shoppers, numerous followers and loyal brand and product fans are happy to choose us.